Saturday, October 22, 2016

It's a Wrap! Redux

So I'm moving on from Cheniere, taking some time for myself, and planning something new to start after the first of the year.

Four years is the longest I've spent at any one job post-Navy, and for my next gig I'm planning to finish my working career there.

Anyways, watch this space!

Not that anyone is actually following these posts...

Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 2016

So perhaps I should revive this blog -- not sure where I'm planning to go with it, but let's see if I can consistently do something with it!

Meanwhile, here's a picture of Zack, hard at work on a birthday card for a friend!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hot Cheetos

I am sure that some folks are familiar with "Hot Cheetos and Takis," i.e.:

Somehow we are on a "Hot Cheetos and Takis" kick - I think it started when Zack and I were at the Times Barber Shop, and he was wanting a snack, and the only chips they had were Hot Cheetos.

Although I am a fan, I did not think that Zack would be, so I told him that "only Chester Cheetah eats Hot Cheetos."  I did buy a bag later from Krogers, and, surprisingly, Zack ate some - although we had to keep a drink nearby.

I no longer buy Hot Cheetos, just regular ones, and we tell him that they are Hot Cheetos.  I picked up the song from listening to The Bill Handel show (KFI 640AM morning radio show) podcast - at some point they played it and it stuck.

So about 2 weeks ago I found the above on the YouTubes and played it for the kids, and they like it.

I have not been to a local store (or gas station) which sells Takis lately - next time I stop somewhere that has them, I'll pick them up, to make the whole thing complete.

And I hope to get a video soon of Zack and Bella singing and dancing to this song - watch this space!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One Year

One year ago the MilBlogosphere lost one of the best, Neptunus Lex.

Tonight, nationwide, numerous glasses of Jameson and Guinness were lifted in his honor.

There have been many tributes written, and I have no way to ever match the eloquence of those who have committed numerous kind and thoughtful words in memory of this man.

I never met him, but I checked his postings daily. I found out about his passing the morning after, having dragged myself out of bed around 0500 to hit the elliptical as part of my rehab from my lower back surgery. His blog post from the day before carried a not so insignificant amount of foreshadowing, alluding to an equipment malfunction on his aircraft, and reading the words that morning from one of his proxies with a photo of the missing man formation all but solidified my fears.

Since then we have had an initial commemoration of his passing, and now a one year remembrance.

His words have been repeated daily at another site, and his site remains active, hopefully in perpetuity. It's helped those of us who followed his words remember the man, and it has helped greatly.

Continued Fair Winds and Following Seas Sailor, and rest your oars.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Shel Silverstein and Christmas

Shel Silverstein was not an attractive man - in fact, you could say that in some photos he looked downright scary.

Back when Bella was a littler girl, I began reading "The Giving Tree" to her. I personally was unfamiliar with the book, which apparently was a favorite of Mary as a little girl. At first I did not know what to make of the message of the book, if anything. But one thing I did notice early on was that Bella would jump in fear when I closed the book, which had a particularly scary picture of Shel Silverstein on the back cover.

Thus began the legend of "The Man," which I use to this day with comedic effect to scare both kids after reading the book. I'll finish the story and quickly flip to the back cover and announce "It's the Man" which causes both kids to squeal in a semi-fearful and semi-joking way.

To the point, tonight after a long and fruitful Christmas Day, with both kids in their long PJs getting ready for bed, I find Bella's chasing Zack between the bedrooms, with her copy of "The Giving Tree" shouting "It's the Man, it's the Man", knowing that my work is done in this regard.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

McDonalds PlayPlace

Really no place better for a 6 year old and a 3 year old to burn off a little steam, unless they run too much and try to eat a nugget...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

New Job

So this week I started my new job, in the Internal Audit department at Cheniere Energy. I have returned to Technical Audit, which I think will continue to be the area where I contribute best to an operating company, at least in this stage of Cheniere's life cycle.

My boss is the individual whose recommendation was instrumental in bringing me into the previous company, and he is someone who I have wanted to work with for quite some time.

I will not be writing much about the new company here, other than issues related to national/global LNG policy, non-proprietary technical issues, or general observations about the workplace. The day job potentially involves sensitive subject matter so I will not be discussing many specifics here.

That said, looking forward to the new adventure!